Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Nothing new

Not much has gone on lately. It's been pretty quiet.

The other day I watched The Great Dictator, which stars Charlie Chaplin. They spoof the nazi's during World War 2. It's a pretty funny movie... I like the ending, not very funny...but somewhat profound.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

In rememberance

My favorite great uncle passed on this week. It wasn't a surprise. My mom, dad and I saw it coming, but thankfully we all knew we'd done the best we could for him in light of the circumstances. My uncle only had so many relatives, and when timed came that he needed to have more people around him for the sake of his sanity and welfare, my folks and I were happy to let him move in with us.

For five years we watched him deteriorate in health mentally and physically. We took care of him as best we could until we couldn't any longer, and had to move him into a nursing home. It made me happy to know that he, being the social-type of person he was, had many friends out of the other residents and staff at the nursing home...so I know his last two years on this earth were happy. It was too bad that after so long he couldn't get around on his own, or even remember people's faces.

He's in a better place now, and I'm sure we'll see each other again one day.

Since I haven't posted any video here in a long while, here's something to entertain you...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Yeah, I know...

It's been over two months since I updated this. My apologies. I can honestly say that I have been in an "I don't care about the web" mood for a little while, since I sit in front of a computer and work on web stuff all ding-dong day. Anyway, I'm going to try to get back on a weekly habit (maybe).

Anyway, not a whole lot has gone on since August. It really doesn't feel like it should be October. Then again, it really doesn't feel like it should be 2007 either (I'm still lost around 2002).

Some things that have been on my mind recently...high school. Come May, I will have been graduated from high school for ten years. Funny thing is, I may think I'm still in 2002, but high school feels like it has been an eternity ago! There have been various nights where I've searched on myspace just seeing who all I graduated with are online, and noticed that there are fewer people from my graduating class out there...or they're like me, and are hiding. ;)

Kind of sad...I wasn't friendly enough with people from my graduating class to keep up with very many of them. I see one or two maybe once-twice a year...and I still live in my home town!

Besides that, I'm pretty well finished with my annual "ghost" feature to run on the news. I'll be voicing this one...something I've yet to do for a "news" story, or at this station at all. It's a cool story, which I'll post here once it airs...and I hopefully get a copy of it on youtube.

That's about it...enjoy the clip below...and Happy Early Halloween!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Anniversary time!

Well, I couldn't say happy anniversary regarding this blog because on August 11 I was headed to the beach, and just got home today. ;) It was a nice trip, filled with adventure...well, some...but it was a well deserved and much needed vacation.

So, what's changed in two years? Who cares...that's boring. ;)

While I was at the beach, I watched a few decent movies. One was called "Crank." A very random kind of movie...lots of profanity...plenty of senseless violence. My kind of flick! I watched another one called "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang." Not as bad as I had envisioned. A pretty good movie for the most part (with tons of profanity and murder). However, there were a few things about that movie that reminded me...of me (no, not the gay guy played by Val Kilmer, the guy Robert Downey Jr. was playing). He was after this one girl in high school who, more or less, got away.

Ever felt that way? Boy I did while I was watching it! I got angry...then nostalgic...then angry again...but who the hell cares about that. And what pisses me off is that there was no closure to it. DAMNIT! ;) I'm going to fly out there and punch the writers in the face! And if you want to know more on what I'm talking about, you'll just have to watch the movie!

I don't want to go back to work. I just really don't want to. Thankfully, I only have to get through tomorrow and that's it. Sigh... ;)

I don't think I've posted this one. If I have, here it is again. I love this clip.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

More down time from the blog...

My apologies. I know I'm sucking at keeping this thing updated lately. But to be quite honest, after sitting in front of a computer all day at work, I don't really feel like sitting in front of one at home much, either. That, and I've been slowing getting more and more annoyed at work, which makes me want to come home and not do much but not think about work.

So, be honest...does it appear I don't know what I'm doing? Am I a difficult person to deal with? Well, apparently there's a small minority at work who think so. I'll be the first person to admit I have flaws...and I can be a little too honest or direct about some things, but I'd much prefer being like that to people than having people say good things about me, then bash me to others. And there may be things I'm not educated on, but I do try to figure things out as best as possible, or get the right people on the job for me...

I'm glad I have some allies in the building, who know where I've moved things from. However, people must remember that things are not 100% under my complete control. Once, they were at least 40%...now they're less than that! How can you put up a good fight with that kind of situation?

So, me not liking any drama, I'm getting sick of it. I have started job hunting. I unfortunately started about a week late. If I'd gotten started a little sooner, I'd have another job right now. I was that freakin' close!

Anyway, enough ranting. I had to get it out of my system.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I'm way behind...

Dang, it has been over a month since I last posted something! Geez... Well, the only thing to really say is that I've been to the beach...it was a nice and all to short a trip. Apart from that, just work, work and more work.

I haven't found much of anything funny and unique on youtube lately, so hopefully this will suffice. ;) I'll try to make it up this week.

I'm surprised my friends and I haven't attempted this...

Monday, May 21, 2007

Oh I feel baaaad...

I dare say I have food poisoning...because it hasn't gotten THAT bad...but good grief I feel like crap now!

I'm going to burn a CD and go to bed...