Sunday, October 21, 2007

Yeah, I know...

It's been over two months since I updated this. My apologies. I can honestly say that I have been in an "I don't care about the web" mood for a little while, since I sit in front of a computer and work on web stuff all ding-dong day. Anyway, I'm going to try to get back on a weekly habit (maybe).

Anyway, not a whole lot has gone on since August. It really doesn't feel like it should be October. Then again, it really doesn't feel like it should be 2007 either (I'm still lost around 2002).

Some things that have been on my mind recently...high school. Come May, I will have been graduated from high school for ten years. Funny thing is, I may think I'm still in 2002, but high school feels like it has been an eternity ago! There have been various nights where I've searched on myspace just seeing who all I graduated with are online, and noticed that there are fewer people from my graduating class out there...or they're like me, and are hiding. ;)

Kind of sad...I wasn't friendly enough with people from my graduating class to keep up with very many of them. I see one or two maybe once-twice a year...and I still live in my home town!

Besides that, I'm pretty well finished with my annual "ghost" feature to run on the news. I'll be voicing this one...something I've yet to do for a "news" story, or at this station at all. It's a cool story, which I'll post here once it airs...and I hopefully get a copy of it on youtube.

That's about it...enjoy the clip below...and Happy Early Halloween!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Anniversary time!

Well, I couldn't say happy anniversary regarding this blog because on August 11 I was headed to the beach, and just got home today. ;) It was a nice trip, filled with adventure...well, some...but it was a well deserved and much needed vacation.

So, what's changed in two years? Who cares...that's boring. ;)

While I was at the beach, I watched a few decent movies. One was called "Crank." A very random kind of movie...lots of profanity...plenty of senseless violence. My kind of flick! I watched another one called "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang." Not as bad as I had envisioned. A pretty good movie for the most part (with tons of profanity and murder). However, there were a few things about that movie that reminded me...of me (no, not the gay guy played by Val Kilmer, the guy Robert Downey Jr. was playing). He was after this one girl in high school who, more or less, got away.

Ever felt that way? Boy I did while I was watching it! I got angry...then nostalgic...then angry again...but who the hell cares about that. And what pisses me off is that there was no closure to it. DAMNIT! ;) I'm going to fly out there and punch the writers in the face! And if you want to know more on what I'm talking about, you'll just have to watch the movie!

I don't want to go back to work. I just really don't want to. Thankfully, I only have to get through tomorrow and that's it. Sigh... ;)

I don't think I've posted this one. If I have, here it is again. I love this clip.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

More down time from the blog...

My apologies. I know I'm sucking at keeping this thing updated lately. But to be quite honest, after sitting in front of a computer all day at work, I don't really feel like sitting in front of one at home much, either. That, and I've been slowing getting more and more annoyed at work, which makes me want to come home and not do much but not think about work.

So, be honest...does it appear I don't know what I'm doing? Am I a difficult person to deal with? Well, apparently there's a small minority at work who think so. I'll be the first person to admit I have flaws...and I can be a little too honest or direct about some things, but I'd much prefer being like that to people than having people say good things about me, then bash me to others. And there may be things I'm not educated on, but I do try to figure things out as best as possible, or get the right people on the job for me...

I'm glad I have some allies in the building, who know where I've moved things from. However, people must remember that things are not 100% under my complete control. Once, they were at least they're less than that! How can you put up a good fight with that kind of situation?

So, me not liking any drama, I'm getting sick of it. I have started job hunting. I unfortunately started about a week late. If I'd gotten started a little sooner, I'd have another job right now. I was that freakin' close!

Anyway, enough ranting. I had to get it out of my system.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I'm way behind...

Dang, it has been over a month since I last posted something! Geez... Well, the only thing to really say is that I've been to the was a nice and all to short a trip. Apart from that, just work, work and more work.

I haven't found much of anything funny and unique on youtube lately, so hopefully this will suffice. ;) I'll try to make it up this week.

I'm surprised my friends and I haven't attempted this...

Monday, May 21, 2007

Oh I feel baaaad...

I dare say I have food poisoning...because it hasn't gotten THAT bad...but good grief I feel like crap now!

I'm going to burn a CD and go to bed...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

David Blaine...we hardly knew thee

I almost cried laughing at this...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

People around the world can't be wrong...

These folks have a "fondness" for our "favorite" CSI: Miami actor... ;)

The people who run this site are based in the UK.

I believe this guy......[puts on shades slowly].......can't act! yeeeeeeeeeeah!!!!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

And you better do it, too!

This is funny...

Come with michael if you want to live.

Which movie was this quote from?

Get your own quotes:

Here's a link to it.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I had a good day today until I started sneezing...and didn't stop. I lost count at 10, which happened between lunch and quitting time. Now I can't breathe...if my nose isn't running, it's stopped up.

Ok...I just sneezed two more times... AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!

Anyway, more Animaniacs fun...don't know what to say the monkey's won't do...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

State song

More funny stuff...this was stuck in my head recently. ;)

Allergy attack

I'm about the only person I know who can get sick when it's 90 degrees outside... It's all allergy related (drat). For ten years I took allergy shots because my allergies (and immune system) were terrible.

I think the last few years of not having any real issues are catching up with me. I blame it on all the stress I've dealt with in the last year at work...

However, this allergy attack I'm dealing with has been NOTHING compared to that ear infection I had back in early March... You know it's bad when prescribed pain pills don't help...

Ok...I'll quit complaining...this has been a good week apart from the allergies... ;)

I loved this show...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Guddling the trout?

This is pretty funny...

399 of me?

Well, I knew of at least one more of me close to where I live... HA! ;) The funny thing is just yesterday I was at an auto parts store and, after the clerk found out my name from my debit card, he asked was I a CPA in Northport...that's where the other "me" lives and is apparently a CPA...
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

And the trip endeth...

So I'm a few days late posting this...shoot me! ;)

For most of the trip to Iowa, I was either at the station late, tired when I got to my hotel or didn't have internet access. At least I made it back... It was a long, long drive, but I cleared my head driving all that way...which really didn't hurt after all the BS I've been dealing with in the last few weeks...

Not much else is going far things are getting back to normal, or as close to normal as you can get...

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The trip begineth

I made a nice, long car drive from Alabama to Iowa... Yep, I'm crazy...I hate flying small planes (being about 50 seats or smaller) anywhere...and will drive to keep from doing so... Do I have plans on overcoming my phobia? No, shut up! ;)

So I go from balmy Alabama to cold Iowa... There's a chance it may snow Wednesday night, which I was thinking if I could head on Thursday morning fairly early, I would... That may not happen now, since I'm also paranoid about driving in snow.

The road trip really wasn't bad. It gave me time to clear my mind and be in a more pleasent mood when I visit my other station. I haven't been in the best of moods the last two weeks, so having to worry with driving and enjoying the scenery where it was nice was a nice break.

Well, I'm getting sleep and have to be at work at 8am... More to come...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Finally getting back to normal...

Well I've got my blood pressure down, and all those who were "nit-picking" for the sake of "nit-picking" have found something else to complain about, my work life is getting back to normal. I re-launched two TV station websites...something I'll never do again! This has been one hell of a process to deal with. I'm just glad it's over with and most everything is right with the world.

Well, I'm headed up to my other station in Mason City, Iowa to train folks up there on the new site. It should be interesting, because I'm driving! Why you ask? I hate flying smaller plane (those that hold 50 or less) that much. I was going to drive to Memphis and fly to Minneapolis, but the ticket prices were more than double! So, I'm leaving out a day early and will make a stop in Cape Girardeau, Missouri to sleep, then start back the next morning. I really don't think the trip is going to be as long as the map says...because I don't drive very slow, and I'm good at finding shortcuts... We'll see.

The road trip away from here will be nice, which is the other reason I'm driving...just to get a taste of different scenery and try to enjoy my trip. It's only the third business trip I've been on not hurricane related.

I'll will post here if anything interesting happens... I'm thinking I'm going to be relatively bored on a few occasions while I'm up there, so I may blog anyway. Stay tuned! ;)

Enjoy some celebrity Jeopardy from Saturday Night Live...

Monday, March 05, 2007

The oven is fast enough for me, thank you...

I'm beginning to think I'm starting to lose my memory. I did a myspace search on my old high school and my graduating class...and there are some people listed, who still live in the general area, who I can't remember. Maybe the names and faces just aren't matching, because when I was in high school...I was a bean pole...I weighed all of 168 pounds...and didn't break 200 till around 2001 or 2002, so I'm thinking some folks just look a bit different from what they did back in 1998.

I don't know...I always considered my memory to be pretty sharp, but maybe my working in the news business has screwed it up! I do have trouble remembering various news stories day to day. There are names of people I worked with back in my retail days that I can't quite remember anymore...

Anyway, on the job front, it looks like both my sites will be re-launched maybe late this week. I began saving video and pictures in the new system today...and have access to both sites, so it looks like things will be working pretty soon.

Now, as long as I can get through this week without any more severe weather, this week should go pretty well. I was actually bored today, which almost never happens anymore while I'm at work.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm pissed!

And I'm gonna be pissed for at least one more day. I haven't been this mad since my days working in Tuscaloosa. GRRRRR!!!

Anyway, this made me laugh...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

It's almost time!

Woo hoo! I spent Friday moving news stories I've archived to the new Web site publisher! This means I can't be more than a week from re-launching things...

So, with all the exciting changes coming around, it appears I'm getting sick...again! There have obviously been too many sick people at work, because none of my family has been sick... I'm feeling fluish...and am already feeling quite miserable since last night. I swear I'm going to choke the next sick person I see at work.

Anyway, this should be a good, but busy, week at work... I'll post more on the status later...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Breathe in, breathe out...

You know, my temper isn't what it used to be... I believe I just gave up about being irate at various things, which is probably a good thing...I haven't had high blood pressure lately! ;)

Today, after all my stuff has been working since late Friday with no problem, my connection through that ****ing firewall breaks...AGAIN! What did I do? Calmly tell myself "that's fine...I've had it," tell a few producers they're not getting what they asked for, and go back to my desk and play with photoshop. I can't imagine how many other people in my shoes have had this much bull shi* to deal with. Some things in rebuilding a Web site from scratch is natural, but not being able to freakin' log in to do my normal work borders insanity.

The other problem here is how in the world do I explain said firewall problem to non-computer literate people? There have been some days I've wondered if my boss thinks I'm either on crack or a really good liar... My old boss would have known I wasn't blowing smoke...but alas, this is what happens when more things change then you previously expected... also looks like we're in for some seriously bad weather on I'm betting I'll be working though that.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

And it continues...

It just keeps coming... I got the other big problem fixed...wasn't as big of a problem as I'd thought... Then today I can't log into the publisher for the site...which, lucky me, it's behind the firewall of my old company... so I immediately assume our connection through that firewall died...which it probably did, because about the time I was going to leave, it all comes back and I begin to finish my work for the day...nobody seems to know why... Oy!

Well, at least there is one ray of hope...I'm a mere TWO weeks away (if nothing screws up) from getting my new which I can log into anywhere on the FREAKIN' PLANET! Just knowing I won't have a firewall to get through just to post a story will be great!

Nothing else is going on...outside of work, it's been pretty dull... I haven't really had time to do anything else... I did see Hannibal Rising... That was one screwed up movie...and I feel I got my money's worth! ;)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

And so it begins...

Today I noticed one rather huge problem with my website... I notice that I can't track web viewers any more. What's the problem you ask? It's simple... There is a system in place where I can see how many people are looking at my many people look over the course of a day, month, year...what exactly they were looking at, etc... Well, now I can't access it...


Some of you have probably heard me say "...the day is coming...our old company is just going to pull the plug and there's nothing I can do but watch." Well, I'm afraid we're T-minus 30 seconds from complete and utter disaster!

So, what am I going to do? Well, I'm attempting to have the problem fixed...though I'm afraid it may not happen. Otherwise, there's not much else I can do but start shooting whiskey (woosky) and cry!

I also learned today to never take an antibiotic without eating first... I think I nearly had to go to the hospital, but I'm better now... ;)

Here's a preview of what I was doing at one point today (in my head at least)...

Sunday, February 04, 2007

100th Post!

Woo! I've posted 100 whole posts. Yay.

Anyway, I'm sick. I have a head cold. I'm going to KILL whoever I caught it from. I haven't been sick since 2000.

So, what am I going to be up to this week? Other than my normal thing at work, not much. I bidded on an editing system on eBay...the same one I use at work. Also, on Saturday (or Friday) I'm planning on seeing the new movie "Hannibal Rising," the fourth installment of Silence of the Lambs... There isn't a Silence of the Lambs movie in theaters I haven't seen (apart from Silence of the Lambs). I can't go to a horror movie without coming out of the theater feeling somewhat psychologically screwed up! ;)

I got the following from a friend of myspace. This isn't all of it, but it's probably the funniest part...

We've all heard about people having guts or balls. But do you really know the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed, the
definition of each is listed below.

"GUTS" is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being assaulted by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to say, "are
you still cleaning or are you flying somewhere?"

"BALLS" is coming home late after a night out with the guys smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass and having the balls to say, "You're next!"

Oh yeah...this movie is going to be SCREWED UP!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

A bit of history...

I never get rid of any bill statements or pay stubs... It was interesting tonight as I decided to do a little cleaning through my files and shred some stuff I don't need. I found my first pay stub from my first first bill for the first car I first cell phone statement...

Sometimes I think it would be interesting to hang on to a few things like that just to remember years from now what kind of bills I had, but then I decided I needed to quit being so much of a pack rat and started shredding. ;)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Guess I can't complain...

Even though I'm getting a bit more stressed at work, the bull sh*t factor seems to have gone away. I can't wait to get the new sites up and running...If I have to say "when the new site goes up..." one more time I'm going to lose it! ;) This wouldn't be such a big deal if this hadn't turned out to take so long...

Anyway, since all I thought about last week was work...and all I did last week was work...I have nothing to tell you interesting... ;)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Please, let it end!!!!

I'm beginning to think this website relaunch is going to kill me... Sooner or's going to come out of a dark hallway and stab me! ;) Seriously, I'm getting really stressed about this...I haven't been this stressed since my days at my last station... There are so, so, SO many things that need to be done...and it's all in my lap. I'm going to lose my mind... Maybe not...I'm trying to stay focused... Maybe I can keep it together a few more weeks...

I suppose on some days I'm just a little delirious...and don't really realize the full signifigance of my mind being "fried." And it's during these moments I remember random, crazy the screenplay I thought up once... It was a spoof of Silence of the Lambs I called "Silence of the Peanuts." It's quite entertaining...

Enjoy a little Jim Gaffigan... I don't think I've posted this one yet...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Idiot patrol...

Look out...the first post of 2007!

Should I be sympathetic? Naaaah! ;) Besides, it's funny!