You Are Wind |
![]() Strong and overpowering. A force to be reckoned with, no one dares cross you. You have the power to change everything around you. You are best known for: Your Wrath Your dominant state: commanding |
Sunday, January 29, 2006
It puts the lotion in the basket...
Interesting...I particularly like the part about "my wrath!" ;) Gee, who would have thought?? Muahahaha! Oh, case you're wondering about the title...I watched "Silence of the Lambs" on Bravo this weekend.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
My desk is still clean! ;)
Shocking! I haven't destroyed it yet! And my cat is happy she can walk freely across it so she can climb on top of my monitor to sleep... ;)
I had a slow day today...not a whole lot to do at work, so I spent part of the day investigating prices on website building software (dreamweaver is freakin' expensive!!) and found something comparable that wasn't too expensive. Also found some basic video editing software called Adobe Premiere Elements...which I definitley need, even if I hate Premiere (that's what I use at work...but it is an older, crappy version). I'm thinking of buying a DVD burner all that's left that I need is a camera! The question is what am I going to do with it all?? Another ghost documentary?? A different sort of genre of TV production?? I need to find something to occupy my time so I don't get rusty on what I spent all my time in college doing.
Later this week should prove interesting. I'll be going to the Survivor casting call to take pictures for the web... I have a feeling the nutjobs are going to show up for this one. I hope they do, I need some compelling video and pictures! ;) I love doing something fun at tickles I hate not enjoying work...I really want to make it fun.
I had a slow day today...not a whole lot to do at work, so I spent part of the day investigating prices on website building software (dreamweaver is freakin' expensive!!) and found something comparable that wasn't too expensive. Also found some basic video editing software called Adobe Premiere Elements...which I definitley need, even if I hate Premiere (that's what I use at work...but it is an older, crappy version). I'm thinking of buying a DVD burner all that's left that I need is a camera! The question is what am I going to do with it all?? Another ghost documentary?? A different sort of genre of TV production?? I need to find something to occupy my time so I don't get rusty on what I spent all my time in college doing.
Later this week should prove interesting. I'll be going to the Survivor casting call to take pictures for the web... I have a feeling the nutjobs are going to show up for this one. I hope they do, I need some compelling video and pictures! ;) I love doing something fun at tickles I hate not enjoying work...I really want to make it fun.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
I finally cleaned my desk!
It should be considered an olympic sport. If any of you ever saw just how bad my desk can get at home, you'd be amazed...and probably impressed. All that matters is that it's clean now and I can find crap again.
I saw both Lori and Jill Thursday...Jill was in town to visit and to ride back with Lori on the plane...also saw a few other former co-workers... It was a tame setting, more or less, seeing as how we were left waiting over an hour for a table...then found out we'd been skipped! Not cool...though the manager gave us a discount.
Friday was quiet...nothing big went on. I ended up coming home and finding out Jonathan wasn't going to be on his way from Laurel until 7:00...meaning Nixie didn't go out until Saturday night. No 11 year old niece decided to come up for a I ended up playing video games with her and complaining about being forced to watch "made for teens" television. Gag! I'm keeping the remote away from her next time! ;)
Had Ruby Tuesday on Saturday night...after Applebee's tried to kill Jonathan last week. We've decided not to go back there ever...they've made one of the four of us mad at one point or another, so screw them! I need to find a new restaurant...
I saw both Lori and Jill Thursday...Jill was in town to visit and to ride back with Lori on the plane...also saw a few other former co-workers... It was a tame setting, more or less, seeing as how we were left waiting over an hour for a table...then found out we'd been skipped! Not cool...though the manager gave us a discount.
Friday was quiet...nothing big went on. I ended up coming home and finding out Jonathan wasn't going to be on his way from Laurel until 7:00...meaning Nixie didn't go out until Saturday night. No 11 year old niece decided to come up for a I ended up playing video games with her and complaining about being forced to watch "made for teens" television. Gag! I'm keeping the remote away from her next time! ;)
Had Ruby Tuesday on Saturday night...after Applebee's tried to kill Jonathan last week. We've decided not to go back there ever...they've made one of the four of us mad at one point or another, so screw them! I need to find a new restaurant...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I've never had one... Is this an omen?? ;)
You Are a Mai Tai |
![]() You aren't a big drinker, but you'll drink if the atmosphere is festive. And when you're drunk, watch out! You're easily carried away. |
No more driving in heavy rain...
It was a rainy day today...this morning it was raining rather heavily. I venture out the door on my way to work around 7:45. I decide instead of driving my normal route down 216, I decided to drive down below the house and jump on the interstate. I drive about 55-60 mph from there almost all the way to work due to the heavy rain...
However, about 15 miles into my trip, I get a big, fat, freakin' scare of a lifetime!!!
I'm driving down the interstate and am already paranoid about water building up on the road...and have to hang on tight to the steering wheel a few times... I get to the Tuscaloosa/Jefferson County line when my day nearly becomes REALLY bad... I hit a big, REALLY BIG patch of water. I find out real quick I'm not going to stop my car. It was all I could do to keep the car in my lane. Well, this story could be almost identical to any story about someone hydroplaning on a road.
Of couse, this must go one step further.
On this particular section of interstate, there is a large barrier in between the east bound and west bound lanes... As I'm sliding across the water...I see HEADLIGHTS...AIMED AT ME! Apparently a car hit the same patch of water going much faster then I was...and had spun around...and ended up on the far left side of the road...aimed the WRONG WAY... Due to hydroplaning, I was headed for the far left side...thinking I was about to hit the barrier...but then notice the headlights and the car!!!! The last thing I remember thinking as I was doing my best to control my car, which was out of control at this point, was, "Oh God, this is it"...and I started to prepare for the huge impact that was coming! tires gripped the road as I was about 15 yards from the car...and I was able to get back on my side of the road... I came within 3 feet of actually clipping the car! I can't imagine what was going through the mind of the person in the other car!!!
My......God..... I thought I was going to have to stop the car and throw-up. I came so close to being hurt really bad...if not killed! My back was hurting so bad afterwards...since my body was preparing for impact. I hope the unfortunate person who spun around and was probably waiting to get back in the road when I came by made it out of there ok...
Thank God I'm a somewhat steady driver... Not many people would have been able to manuver through that!
The rest of the day was rather exhausting...I'm planning on going to sleep a little early tonight.
However, about 15 miles into my trip, I get a big, fat, freakin' scare of a lifetime!!!
I'm driving down the interstate and am already paranoid about water building up on the road...and have to hang on tight to the steering wheel a few times... I get to the Tuscaloosa/Jefferson County line when my day nearly becomes REALLY bad... I hit a big, REALLY BIG patch of water. I find out real quick I'm not going to stop my car. It was all I could do to keep the car in my lane. Well, this story could be almost identical to any story about someone hydroplaning on a road.
Of couse, this must go one step further.
On this particular section of interstate, there is a large barrier in between the east bound and west bound lanes... As I'm sliding across the water...I see HEADLIGHTS...AIMED AT ME! Apparently a car hit the same patch of water going much faster then I was...and had spun around...and ended up on the far left side of the road...aimed the WRONG WAY... Due to hydroplaning, I was headed for the far left side...thinking I was about to hit the barrier...but then notice the headlights and the car!!!! The last thing I remember thinking as I was doing my best to control my car, which was out of control at this point, was, "Oh God, this is it"...and I started to prepare for the huge impact that was coming! tires gripped the road as I was about 15 yards from the car...and I was able to get back on my side of the road... I came within 3 feet of actually clipping the car! I can't imagine what was going through the mind of the person in the other car!!!
My......God..... I thought I was going to have to stop the car and throw-up. I came so close to being hurt really bad...if not killed! My back was hurting so bad afterwards...since my body was preparing for impact. I hope the unfortunate person who spun around and was probably waiting to get back in the road when I came by made it out of there ok...
Thank God I'm a somewhat steady driver... Not many people would have been able to manuver through that!
The rest of the day was rather exhausting...I'm planning on going to sleep a little early tonight.
Monday, January 16, 2006
I'm so SLEEPY!! ;) I was up a little too late last night...and today has just drug on so slowly.
I'm beginning to hate work again...maybe it will pass...if not, I might be job hunting sooner or later. I'm getting a little tired of the spiteful, jaded world of news...
I'm watching the Lincoln documentary on The History Channel...pretty good stuff! Looks like something I'd try to produce if I had the time and money!
I'm beginning to hate work again...maybe it will pass...if not, I might be job hunting sooner or later. I'm getting a little tired of the spiteful, jaded world of news...
I'm watching the Lincoln documentary on The History Channel...pretty good stuff! Looks like something I'd try to produce if I had the time and money!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
I can't leave for a few hours...
I send an email in to work Saturday morning...some breaking news occurs overnight and I caught wind of it. I go to the website and of mention of anything. I send an email in and tell someone to POST IT! Is it posted?? No. Am I going to pitch a fit? Hell yes! I am NOT HAPPY about this... All someone needed to do was copy and paste this...maybe make a few cosmetic adjustments...that's about it. I will be "laying down the law" in regards to this and other things this week, though. A mandate from the corporate goons was that "this is the year of multimedia in the media biz." This means I WILL NEED HELP! If I don't get coorperation from that blasted newsroom, I will bring in some "forces" and I will "take care of it!" My goal for 2006 is to beat the other stations as often as possible on the web to just about everything. So far I was getting the job done! Grr!
Zook and I took a trip down to Brock's house in Opelika Saturday. This was the first time I've seen him since we graduated (May 2004). I think I was out of the country when he moved down that way...and I just haven't been able to get down there like I probably should have already. It was good to go down for a visit, and his wife was nice enough to cook for us! I'll probably be making another trip down there soon due to work...and if I want to visit again any time soon, I'd probably have to anyway...his wife will have their baby in about 8 more weeks!
And this week I'll be seeing more friends... Jill will be coming into town for a visit and to pick up Lori...and they'll be flying back to South Bend on Thursday. I haven't seen Jill since it'll be nice to pick on her a bit... I saw Lori back in December...but it's always nice to see old friends occasionally (and for all of us TV people to find another restaurant we could potentially be kicked out of! ;)).
Zook and I took a trip down to Brock's house in Opelika Saturday. This was the first time I've seen him since we graduated (May 2004). I think I was out of the country when he moved down that way...and I just haven't been able to get down there like I probably should have already. It was good to go down for a visit, and his wife was nice enough to cook for us! I'll probably be making another trip down there soon due to work...and if I want to visit again any time soon, I'd probably have to anyway...his wife will have their baby in about 8 more weeks!
And this week I'll be seeing more friends... Jill will be coming into town for a visit and to pick up Lori...and they'll be flying back to South Bend on Thursday. I haven't seen Jill since it'll be nice to pick on her a bit... I saw Lori back in December...but it's always nice to see old friends occasionally (and for all of us TV people to find another restaurant we could potentially be kicked out of! ;)).
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Word... ;)
Another busy I feel like crap! All three of my sisters kids have been sick with some sort of bug...and I'm afraid I might have caught it. I need to shake it soon...I'm planning a trip to Opelika Saturday, and I'd like to be well! Otherwise, nothing all that big going on lately...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
I've been so freakin' busy this week...
I've only worked two days this week and I've already worked myself into exhaustion! It's not because I took the rest of my vacation left over...all this new work that's popped up that needed attention is getting me.
By now, most of you have heard about the mine disaster in West Virginia...and the "debockle" over whether the miners were alive or dead. I watched a few pundits (I don't call them journalists by any means) discuss it. In one instance, it almost seemed like one network placed all blame on anybody but themselves. However, as one professional that was interviewed put it, couldn't everyone have said "they are reportedly alive?" This person went on to say the term "unconfirmed" would have been just as useful...just to be on the safe side...until they saw the miners brought out ALIVE!
Being a former news assignment editor, I know the value of MAKING DAMN SURE your right. But, speaking as a professional in the news business, there are too many "hot dogs" out there who have to be FIRST...even if they're not right. But what happens to these "hot dogs" when they have to retract a story?? Do they apologize?? Do they say to themselves and their newsroom, "Folks...we need to do better...and make sure we know damn sure next time!" It's always been my belief to above all be correct...even if you're not first...because I've seen first hand news people in my market botch something not quite as serious...but there are probably next to no ramifications... Should something be done about this?? Should news outlets be held accountable??
On the flipside...I can't completely complain about the newspeople getting it totally wrong...seeing as how the freakin' coal company had the wrong information too (so they say)...and after they found out for sure there was only one survivor...they still waited longer then they should have before telling the family. I call that flat-out wrong!
But back to the media...I did see where most networks and local stations had crews at the local hospital...where, caught on video, hospital employees said they had heard more survivors were coming...but none had shown up...and nobody had called them saying more were coming or "nevermind."
After hour one, a good old "hang on just a second..." should have been uttered...and a good producer should have asked the question, "What the hell??" If I was a producer doing live coverage of this, I would have had everyone in my newsroom on the phones looking for the "survivors." Why did only one ambulance with one survivor leave and no others?? Something would have defintley not been least in my mind.
My opinion? The mine is primarily at fault...but eveyr blasted media outlet should apologize for jumping the gun...and I mean every single network to every single tv every single paper and magazine who got it wrong!
This is very similar to the 1972 olympics in Munich...where several Israeli athletes where held hostage...and killed... Everyone got that wrong, too...except one sports announcer, whose name I cannot remember... It's called being very, VERY careful with what you say...especially in situations like this.
And as the son of a coal miner who witnessed a very similar tragedy in my own hometown, my thoughts are with the families...and may God have mercy on the soul-less coal company executives!
By now, most of you have heard about the mine disaster in West Virginia...and the "debockle" over whether the miners were alive or dead. I watched a few pundits (I don't call them journalists by any means) discuss it. In one instance, it almost seemed like one network placed all blame on anybody but themselves. However, as one professional that was interviewed put it, couldn't everyone have said "they are reportedly alive?" This person went on to say the term "unconfirmed" would have been just as useful...just to be on the safe side...until they saw the miners brought out ALIVE!
Being a former news assignment editor, I know the value of MAKING DAMN SURE your right. But, speaking as a professional in the news business, there are too many "hot dogs" out there who have to be FIRST...even if they're not right. But what happens to these "hot dogs" when they have to retract a story?? Do they apologize?? Do they say to themselves and their newsroom, "Folks...we need to do better...and make sure we know damn sure next time!" It's always been my belief to above all be correct...even if you're not first...because I've seen first hand news people in my market botch something not quite as serious...but there are probably next to no ramifications... Should something be done about this?? Should news outlets be held accountable??
On the flipside...I can't completely complain about the newspeople getting it totally wrong...seeing as how the freakin' coal company had the wrong information too (so they say)...and after they found out for sure there was only one survivor...they still waited longer then they should have before telling the family. I call that flat-out wrong!
But back to the media...I did see where most networks and local stations had crews at the local hospital...where, caught on video, hospital employees said they had heard more survivors were coming...but none had shown up...and nobody had called them saying more were coming or "nevermind."
After hour one, a good old "hang on just a second..." should have been uttered...and a good producer should have asked the question, "What the hell??" If I was a producer doing live coverage of this, I would have had everyone in my newsroom on the phones looking for the "survivors." Why did only one ambulance with one survivor leave and no others?? Something would have defintley not been least in my mind.
My opinion? The mine is primarily at fault...but eveyr blasted media outlet should apologize for jumping the gun...and I mean every single network to every single tv every single paper and magazine who got it wrong!
This is very similar to the 1972 olympics in Munich...where several Israeli athletes where held hostage...and killed... Everyone got that wrong, too...except one sports announcer, whose name I cannot remember... It's called being very, VERY careful with what you say...especially in situations like this.
And as the son of a coal miner who witnessed a very similar tragedy in my own hometown, my thoughts are with the families...and may God have mercy on the soul-less coal company executives!
Monday, January 02, 2006
Happy 2006!
Yipee! It's 2006! Whoop-dee-freggin'-doo! ;) So far so good, at least...this being January 2!
Not much of anything has happened in the last few days... It has been kind of quiet. Well, in a few more days one of my last close friends will be moving off somewhere. Only three hours away, as opposed to a 14-hour plane ride to China to see the other one...but he'll be back sometime in June. It's looking like I'll be waiting until around August (no thanks to him!! :P) before I go on vacation. I can't do another late March/early April vacation again. When I go to the beach...I like it hot...without all the dang rain.
T minus about two weeks (give or take...maybe it'll be next week) before my trip to Columbus GA to do a little work at another station. Gotta work on getting a few things organized, operational and implemented. The ole "nixie the nazi" attitude may come out on this trip...only because the management at this station makes me think they'll drive my counterpart crazy and she'll run screaming! I just want all bases covered...because if she goes...I get to deal with the work...and I've got plenty to deal with where I am.
Here's a summary of my holiday:
*Played video games with the newphews and nieces
*Ate pie
*Watched TV
*Ate again
*Made my neighborhood sound like a "war zone" (New Year's Eve...shooting of the fireworks!)
*Managed not to drink too much this New Year's...though nobody who was over did...
*Looked back and decided I ate waaaaay too much!
Oh well...I think I'll live! ;)
Not much of anything has happened in the last few days... It has been kind of quiet. Well, in a few more days one of my last close friends will be moving off somewhere. Only three hours away, as opposed to a 14-hour plane ride to China to see the other one...but he'll be back sometime in June. It's looking like I'll be waiting until around August (no thanks to him!! :P) before I go on vacation. I can't do another late March/early April vacation again. When I go to the beach...I like it hot...without all the dang rain.
T minus about two weeks (give or take...maybe it'll be next week) before my trip to Columbus GA to do a little work at another station. Gotta work on getting a few things organized, operational and implemented. The ole "nixie the nazi" attitude may come out on this trip...only because the management at this station makes me think they'll drive my counterpart crazy and she'll run screaming! I just want all bases covered...because if she goes...I get to deal with the work...and I've got plenty to deal with where I am.
Here's a summary of my holiday:
*Played video games with the newphews and nieces
*Ate pie
*Watched TV
*Ate again
*Made my neighborhood sound like a "war zone" (New Year's Eve...shooting of the fireworks!)
*Managed not to drink too much this New Year's...though nobody who was over did...
*Looked back and decided I ate waaaaay too much!
Oh well...I think I'll live! ;)
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