Sunday, January 15, 2006

I can't leave for a few hours...

I send an email in to work Saturday morning...some breaking news occurs overnight and I caught wind of it. I go to the website and of mention of anything. I send an email in and tell someone to POST IT! Is it posted?? No. Am I going to pitch a fit? Hell yes! I am NOT HAPPY about this... All someone needed to do was copy and paste this...maybe make a few cosmetic adjustments...that's about it. I will be "laying down the law" in regards to this and other things this week, though. A mandate from the corporate goons was that "this is the year of multimedia in the media biz." This means I WILL NEED HELP! If I don't get coorperation from that blasted newsroom, I will bring in some "forces" and I will "take care of it!" My goal for 2006 is to beat the other stations as often as possible on the web to just about everything. So far I was getting the job done! Grr!

Zook and I took a trip down to Brock's house in Opelika Saturday. This was the first time I've seen him since we graduated (May 2004). I think I was out of the country when he moved down that way...and I just haven't been able to get down there like I probably should have already. It was good to go down for a visit, and his wife was nice enough to cook for us! I'll probably be making another trip down there soon due to work...and if I want to visit again any time soon, I'd probably have to anyway...his wife will have their baby in about 8 more weeks!

And this week I'll be seeing more friends... Jill will be coming into town for a visit and to pick up Lori...and they'll be flying back to South Bend on Thursday. I haven't seen Jill since it'll be nice to pick on her a bit... I saw Lori back in December...but it's always nice to see old friends occasionally (and for all of us TV people to find another restaurant we could potentially be kicked out of! ;)).

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