Sunday, December 17, 2006

One more left...

Wow...did last week suck. Suck suck suck. I haven't dealt with such a sucky week in quite a while. And it wasn't one of those suck-the-whole-time kind of weeks. There were good points, but they were quickly exstinguished. The only thing I dread is that I have to wake up tomorrow and go listen or be exposed to bull shi*!

Ok...I'll stop bitching. ;)

I went out Christmas shopping today...and got it done. I hate shopping during this time of year...all the traffic and people...some of whom aren't exactly in the Christmas spirit... I didn't cut anyone...or run anyone over in the parking lot, so I guess shopping went fine! ;)

I can't wait for Christmas. I'm ready for some Christmas food...and of course presents. My late grandfather would wake me up when I was a kid sometimes before sunrise on Christmas morning to show my all my toys...and to watch me play. To this day I still, normally, get up really early...especially if any of my nephews and nieces are at the house.

Here's a little Christmas fun...the good old Charlie Brown Christmas. I associate Christmas with the music from the show...performed by Vince Guiarldi.

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