Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Good...freakin'...grief! Why in the blue hell can I not get things to work correctly at work right now? Stuff breaks...deadlines are moved around...people are pissy...

I'm mostly pissed about one IMPORTANT deadline...which has been pushed back...a MONTH! And how do I find out about it??? I have to call to check the status and am told, in kind of a passive manner if you will, that they plan to get it going in late February.

February? I thought it was late January? So, for the next five+ minutes I listen to almost every passive excuse in the book.

Now I'm pissed... That, and I'm just generally pissed with work nowadays. Too many changes in a short amount of time...with most being highly unexpected. You can't blame people to look a little dillusional...things ran a certain way for a long time, then BAM...it's changed. It's not always a good way to get things done. You scare and harm more then you would have any other way...but who's to say it would have been any different had we had any warning.

Alas, that's life. You have to play the hand you were dealt...and deal with it.

I have one more full week of work, then I'm off for a week and a day! I CAN NOT wait!

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